Saturday, May 7, 2011


The story so far........
Alexis devises a plan to discredit Sammy Jo... Fallon pays Miles Colby a visit..Krystle behaves in a strange manner, leaving the mansion, Blake is concerned!...
Alexis was tired, she had just returned from New York, she could do with a rest, she was more than satisfied with her visit to Denny Kane. She was more than pleased when he agreed to help her in her fight against Sammy Jo. Alexis had just finished breakfast, delighted to see Frank Mulligan, who had just arrived.
"Mrs Colby! How was your trip to the Big A?"
Frank was curious to discover the news she had not had the chance to relate to him, before she left for the Capital. 
"Frank! Do call me Alexis! We can be on  more familiar terms, now that you have proved your loyalty to me! I am sorry for my hasty departure. My children are everything to me. I am sure you understand. Steven will be fine and I am certain he can rest easy knowing his debauched ex-wife wont get her grasping hands on my grandson!"
Alexis smiled at Frank, taking a sip of her coffee by way of a dry celebration.
"That's good news. You had something to tell me? You mentioned it was of importance!"
Frank was certain that if Alexis deemed information, important, it probably was!
"Frank! Sit down.. I have done a little research into your background.. The bottom line is you shared the same parents as Dex Dexter! You were both twin brothers!"
Alexis paused, drank from her coffee cup, lit a welcome cigarette, awaiting his reaction.
"I can't believe you found all this out! You must have really did your research."
Alexis whilst in her purse for a cigarette,  produced the documents, proof of his family tree.
"You are the image of Dex. I somehow knew you both had to be related."
Alexis told him the whole story, the switch at the hospital, the money changing hands, the light fingered Florence Nightingale!
Alexis gazed at Frank, she wanted to look into his eyes, to somehow see Dex there..But she knew that Dex was gone, all she had were the memories, good and bad. The ringing of the telephone, roused her from her fantasy, she was pleasantly surprised when she finally answered it.
"Hello! Darling! Amanda! Where are you? You are coming to Denver! How wonderful..Can't wait to see you!"
Alexis replaced the receiver, turned to Frank, giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Great news! Frank! My daughter Amanda is coming tomorrow. I have not seen her in six months".
Alexis was thrilled, even though she had a lot on her mind, she always found the time to entertain her children.
Sable Colby was concerned for both Blake and Krystle. Blake had sat up all night, waiting for Krystle to return home, he sat by the remains of dying fire, staring into the embers. Blake spent the night thinking about her, worried sick that something bad had happened to her. What if she had been in an accident? What if she was lying, helpless, or worse dead, somewhere? But he had to banish such thoughts from his head. He had good faith and he held a strong sense of hope. 
"Blake! You should get some rest. If Krystle hasn't returned by the afternoon, we can call the police. Let them put out an A.P.B.. That is all we can do."
Blake glanced at Sable, he knew she gave good advice, however Krystle consumed his troubled mind..
A shaft of sunlight awaited her when she finally awoken, she felt cold, a slight chill enveloping her, she was totally confused. Krystle rubbed her tired eyes, she wondered what on earth she was doing here! She knew she should be at home, somewhere.. But wondered where on earth home actually was! Krystle opened the car door, she stepped out to a chill wind, her fur coat shielding her from the impact. The sun was shining, but no heat penetrated her, it was certainly winter. Krystle stood by the side of the road, a car came towards her, slowing down as it approached..
"Need some help Mam? Car Trouble?"
Krystle stared at the driver, she noticed how attractive he was, had she seen him before?
"What can you do for me? Kind sir! Haven't we met somewhere before?"
The driver stared at her with that look that said 'Fruitcake'.
"Look lady! I never met you before. If you need a ride to the gas station, Hop in!"
Krystle stood staring at him.
"Did you by chance, have a motorcycle?"
The drive looked hopelessly at her, shook his head, then sped off, the dust from the road billowed around her, like a dusty apparition. When it finally cleared, somehow so did her mind. In the distance, coming towards her, as if he was floating on air, she saw Blake. Along with the dust, her mind cleared, she then remembered who she was, where she should be, in what direction her home was. Krystle rubbed her eyes, the dust had made them water, her tears were flowing. When her vision had returned to normal, the mirage had gone, she was all alone.
"Blake".... She said his name aloud, she longed to be in his arms. She had to get home at once, he would be frantic with worry, she knew how much he loved and cared for her. She got back in her car and drove off in the direction of the mansion.

Fallon jumped out of Miles Colby's bed and sighed, she grabbed her clothes, biting her lip with fury as she looked at her watch.
"Good morning baby!"
A naked Miles had awoke, he sat up in bed, stretching his arms.
"Morning! It's way past the crack of dawn. I should have caught my plane hours ago."
Fallon was truly annoyed with herself, but she knew she wasn't forced into doing anything she did not want to. She could not even blame booze for her fall into temptation.
"What's a few hours more. Did we not have a wonderful night? The first of many unplanned visits I hope! I do love you..Fallon!"
Fallon was almost finished dressing, she adjusted the belt on her Diane Von Firstenberg wrap dress, she was startled when Miles jumped out of bed and began fondling her breasts. 
"Miles! I really have to leave. I doubt whether we will be sharing a night like this again!"
Fallon had to be honest with him, but she knew it would not be easy persuading him otherwise.
"But I was sure you had changed your mind about us... That you wanted to be with me!"
Miles began to sound like a little boy, in Fallon's eyes at this very moment, that is exactly what he was...
"Miles.. I do care about you. I never promised that we would get back together.. I could never promise that, as long as I have Jeff and my son.. I had originally planned to tell you to get on with your life, to try and forget about our past relationship."
Fallon was ready to leave now, she fixed her hair and sprayed a little Chanel No 5 on her neck.
"Look baby! I will do anything you want. I will give you anything you want.. Please stay..I beg you!"
Miles was becoming desperate, Fallon wanted out of the house, she wanted to be on her way home..
"Miles! Please don't make this any harder than it is for both of us."
Fallon had no intentions of prolonging the situation, she grabbed her purse and turned to leave the bedroom. When she got as far as the living room, he caught up with her, grabbing her arm whilst begging her to stay.
"Fallon! I love you! God! How I love you!!"
He had a strong hold of her arm, she was beginning to feel pain, she struggled, managing to free herself from his grasp, making her way to the door. She almost got there when she made the mistake of looking back. Suddenly she felt herself falling, she felt dazed as her head hit off the side of the coffee table, that was the last sensation she felt. Miles knelt down beside her lifeless body as he held her in his lap..
"Fallon! God! What have I done? Don't die on me! I love you Fallon!!"..

(C) 2011  Mark McMorrow..

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