Saturday, May 21, 2011


                                                              REVISITED ...
The story so far ....Fallon is slightly injured during a fall at Miles Colby's beach-house.. she exaggerates amnesia in order to try and get him to forget her! Alexis welcomes her daughter Amanda back to Denver, while Sable is delighted to see her daughter Monica..Blake is concerned about Krystle's behaviour.. During a family gathering Monica Colby makes a revelation about Amanda's friend!.....
Krystle Carrington lay in bed, she had experienced a restless night, any sleep she did manage to get was peppered with nightmares, that seemed all too real. Dream so vivid, alternating between nightmare visions of Alexis and dreams about her mysterious motor cycle rider, who had recently come to her aid and whom she walked away from.. Krystle was puzzled as to why Alexis featured so much in her dreams, although considering all that had happened over the years, all the catfights they had gone through, all the bitter words, it was more nightmares than dreams. Krystle decided it was time to get up, Blake had left for the office, she felt like going for a drive, clear her head.
It took her half an hour to get dressed, fix her hair and apply a light day makeup, she would catch some breakfast when she returned. Slipping into her mink coat, she slipped out of the house, got into her car and drove away from the mansion. She drove for what seemed like miles, time seemed immaterial to her, her head was clear, she left the car window open, fresh air felt good against her face. Krystle noticed a lone figure in the distance, was he a mirage, he looked like the man of her alternating dreams.
"Can I help you?"
Krystle stuck her head out of the window, her handsome rider was bent over his motorbike, he appeared to be attempting to repair it. He turned his head to answer her. Krystle had to agree he was certainly handsome, it was a long time since she had really noticed another man. 
"Hi mam! Why you are the lady from the other day. I guess it's your turn to be the good samaritan!"
Krystle got out of the car, she bathed in the luxury of her coat, the wind began to pick up, it was fresh winter morning.
"Can't figure out what is the matter with the old girl. You could give me a ride to the nearest gas station. Hopefully I can get old Jinny repaired!"
Krystle agreed, opening the boot of her car, so that he could tie the bike to the back, to get it to a gas station. Ten minutes later, the bike safely secured, they both reach a gas station. The attendant took a look at the bike, surmising a fuel leakage problem, after he informed them he could have the bike road wordy in a hour. To fill the time they agreed to a coffee at the adjoining diner, chance for a chat.
"Why do you call your motor bike Jinny? A girlfriend?"
Krystle was fascinated with this mystery man. She was eager to find out a little about him, she felt rather girlish sitting beside him.. She could almost be Miss Krystle Jennings again, but that was mere fantasy!
"Jinny! No mam! Jinny was the name of my old dog, she died a few years back. She was the best friend I ever had..I do miss the old girl.."
Krystle took a sip of her coffee, she felt touched by his apparent sadness as he spoke of his deceased pet.
"Call me Krystle! Mam makes me sound like some old queen! What can I call you?"
He sipped his coffee, put the mug down and smiled at her.
"Krystle! That sure is a pretty name. Dylan is my name.. Dylan Anderson."
Krystle put her hand out to seal their greeting, she felt excitement as their hands met in the grip of friendship.
"Hello! Dylan.. do you live in Denver? You seem like the type of man that loves to roam, not to be tied down to one location."
Krystle liked this stranger, she could not understand why she felt fascinated by him, was she trying to relive her youth?
"I am just passing through.. I am on a road trip. Plan to stay a few days..Would you like to go for a ride with me?"
Dylan took another sip of his coffee.
"That sounds exciting! My it's been many years since I was on the back of a motorbike. Not sure if I have the nerve to do it now."
Krystle considered his offer, she felt a little daring today, what the hell..She could do with a little fun today! When they had finished their coffee's, Dylan went to check on his bike, while Krystle went to the ladies room.
Krystle looked at herself in the smudged mirror of the relatively clean rest room, she stared at her reflection, many thoughts ran riot in her head. Was she doing the correct thing, going off with a relative stranger on the back of a motorbike no less. She had longed to tell him all about herself, about Blake, about her daughter. Maybe it was best he did not know who she was, or where she came from. Besides he was only passing through, she may not ever see him again, come the following week! Krystle applied some lip gloss, fixed her hair, she smiled, why was she bothering, her forthcoming trip on the back of a bike would put paid to any glamour she applied! Krystle sprayed a little scent, grabbed her purse, she went to find Dylan.
Fallon Colby was glad to be back with her family. She felt safe and secure, but she could not get Miles Colby out of her mind. She knew in her heart she had taken the correct course of action, considering the circumstances. However she could not help but feeling a little guilty making him think he had left her in a state if suspended amnesia. She knew he was probably sitting brooding in Malibu, thinking about her..Fallon loved Jeffrey Colby, more than she ever thought she could possibly love any man, but she still had feelings for Miles. She longed to lose those feelings, to get on with her life, devote her love totally to her family. She had no plans to see Miles again, certainly not in Malibu. However she knew how stubborn he could be, so persistent, she knew he would not give her up without a fight. She hoped the fleeting bout of amnesia she conveyed so well, would keep him at bay for the time been, however she was only too aware how unpredictable he could be. Fallon sat on the edge of her bed, she contemplated getting back in and pulling the covers over her head. But what was the point of that, she decided to shower, dress, brave the winter air, a drive could be the best thing for her now.
Sable Colby was to leave for her book tour later in the day.. All her luggage was packed, she felt excited, she looked forward to traveling around the nation. Sable pondered over the juicy revelation that Monica had provided, regarding Miss Connie Rich.
"Monica! What in your opinion does Amanda Carrington have in common with Connie Rich?"
Sable put a few toiletries into her Louis Vuitton overnight bag, she wanted a few items she could access quickly..
"Mother! There could be a perfectly innocent reason for both of them to be friends. It does not mean that Amanda is involved in the game."
Monica knew how delicious all this was to her mother, particularly when it could cause distress to Alexis.
"Monica darling! I know it may not be all black and white. But these days you just never know. Besides Amanda does have to make a living somehow.. I don't recall her having any notable skills!"
Sable smiled, pouring herself a glass of mineral water from the Waterford Crystal jug on her dressing table. 
"Mother all this fascination with Amanda Carrington wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Dex Dexter had an affair with her! Would it?"
Monica had heard on the Carrington grapevine about Dex's love play with Amanda, whilst he was married to Alexis.
"That sordid little incident did not even cross my mind!"
Sable smirked, she could not possibly admit to a bout of jealousy! Monica sat perusing her mothers book, some pretty hot stuff within with no shortage of skeletons rattling in their closets!
"I thought you were going to remain civil to Alexis, ever since she secured Dex Jr's life?"
Monica put the book to one side, awaiting her mothers reply.
"I am trying my best to be on air kissing terms with my cousin."
Sable was truly grateful to Alexis Colby, however she could not forget everything that happened over the years, between them.
"You do know when she reads this book, she will want to sue you, not to mention the publishers."
Monica had no fondness for Alexis, but she did care about her mother, she did not want to see her having to face grueling court battles, certainly not with Alexis.
"Darling! My book only tells the truth. If I failed to include all the facts, my expose would be incomplete."
Sable was grateful to Alexis, but she felt she had to include the facts regarding Cecil's Colby death, his death marriage to Alexis, her grasping of his entire fortune and his company. Monica shrugged her shoulders, it was pointless trying to reason with her mother, so she sat back to continue reading the Colby bible.
Alexis sat at her desk at Colbyco, even though she had promised herself she would spend less time at the office. She had planned to let her empire run itself, with the help of her staff of course. Alexis sifted through her mail and faxes, she noticed one from New York, from a certain Mr Kane! Alexis felt a surge of excitement as she read the letter from Denny. He had finally managed to persuade Sammy Jo to become more intimate with him. He had captured the moments on dvd disc, which she found attached to the letter..While she did not relish having to view a most amateur production, she would view it later. Alexis was determined to cause Sammy Jo as much upheaval and defamation as she possibly could. She would make sure Steven would be Danny's sole parent, until a time the boy could make his own decisions. Even though she knew the importance of a mothers love for her child, she did not want to see her son suffer at the whims of his ex-wife. She knew only too well how wayward Sammy Jo is and allowing her to have full custody of Danny, would only put upheaval in his life. Sammy Jo could not be trusted to be there for him when he needed her. Alexis loved her grandson as much as she loved her son and she would do anything to protect them. Alexis sifted through the rest of her mail, the many bills from the refurbishment of the hotel were starting to flood in. The hotel was halfway towards total overhaul, she planned a lavish reopening party in the New Year.. Some alarming reading came in the form of court notification to inform her that the Jeremy Van Dorn case was due for hearing in a couple of months, she was to be the star witness. She dreaded the role, but at least this would be the start of the end for Jeremy, where she hoped they would throw away the key to his prison cell. Alexis threw all the paperwork on the desk, she planned to enjoy the holiday season, put the New Year on hold until December 31st at least!
Fallon was enjoying her drive, she so needed the fresh air, she wished she had a career, something worthwhile to fill her day. She pondered what exactly she could do, she needed a purpose in life, a companion role to that of wife and mother. The traffic was becoming a little busier now, it was almost lunch time. She did feel a little peckish, she decided to stop off for a coffee and perhaps a sandwich. Fallon spotted a gas station cum diner up ahead, she needed to refill her gas tank anyhow. Fallon pulled into the forecourt, she gave the attendant her requirements, he promised to give her windscreen a good wash, the damn road was so dusty. Fallon sat at a window booth in the diner, she ordered a coffee and a ham sandwich. She looked forward to Christmas, to giving gifts to the people she loved, she knew how lucky she was to have a family that truly cared for her. Fallon sat daydreaming, plans for the future would take prominence from now on. She took a sip of the steaming mug of coffee the waitress had just put in front of her. She watched the comings and goings on the forecourt as she took a bite of her sandwich. She almost choked to see a familiar figure dismount from a motorbike. She thought she was imagining things, until the rider and his passenger removed their helmets.
"Krystle! My God!"
Fallon had quickly swallowed the mouthful of ham, she was stunned. Why on earth was Krystle on a motorbike with a stranger, as far as she was concerned? Fallon did not know what to think, apart from the idea that her stepmother was somehow seeing another man on the quiet. She did not know what she should do, should she confront her? What about her father? What was Krystle Carrington up to? Fallon was confused!

                                         TO BE CONTINUED...
(C) Mark McMorrow...

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