Saturday, May 14, 2011


The story so far ...............
                                        Alexis tells Frank he is Dex's brother..Blake becomes concerned when Krystle fails to return home..Fallon spends the night with Miles, however in the rush to leave she falls and hits her head.........
Miles Colby was numb with fear.. Had he killed the one person in all the world, he truly loved? Holding her in his arms, her body motionless, he wanted to look into her eyes, tell her he loved her. But her eyelids were shut, if only they would flutter, he had to admit she looked so pretty, so peaceful. She looked lost in slumber, but for the fact that he had caused her to fall and hit her head. Miles had to be rational, he would have to ring for a doctor. Precious minutes of Fallon's life were wasting away, he must get his act together.
"Fallon! Please dont leave me. I will give up my life for you!"
With these heartfelt words Miles picked her up off the floor, placing her gently down on the sofa. He then put his ear to her chest, he could hear her heartbeat, thank god she still had breath left in her body. There was blood on the side of her head, on examination the cut did not seem too deep. Miles kissed her on the lips, he then grabbed the telephone to ring a doctor. Just as he was about to dial, she began to moan, she was beginning to come around....
"Fallon! I'm sorry! I was so worried."
Miles took her hand, pulling her close to him, she put her arms around his neck, sitting up on the sofa, visibally confused.
"What am I doing here? "
Miles looked at her, it was expected that she should be irrational after a blow to the head. Miles hoped that she might forget all about Jeff, as she had before.. Maybe she would only recognise him, stay here safe in his arms. He remembered her last bout of amnesia, after her encounter with the U.F.O, causing her to fall into his arms in the first place, with no knowledge of her marriage to Jeff.
"Fallon! Do you remember anything at all?"
Miles held her hand tightly, waiting with bated breath for her reply.
"Remember? Where's Jeff? Who are you? Where am I?"
Fallon put her hand to her head, her fingers probing the bloodied wound. Miles sat back, staring at her, openmouthed, this was not the result he expected, or wished for!
"Baby! It's Miles! Miles Colby.. You stayed here last night.. We are lovers!"
Miles heart began to race, could she possibly have blocked out the wonderful night they had just shared? Could she have erased the lovethey had both shared?
"You and I were lovers? But I am married! I have a son! You must be mistaken. I have to get home. Jeff will be looking for me.. Where am I?"
Fallon pushed him out of her way, as she arose from the sofa, fixing her clothes in preparation for her departure.
"Malibu! You came here to see me. You flew in yesterday to do some Christmas shopping.."
Miles got up to follow her as she made for the door, he grabbed her arm before she walked out of his life, forever!
"I must get back to Denver.. Back to my family!"
Fallon turned to look at him, as he released his grip on her, his heart sank as he realised there was no going back.
"Fallon! You hit your head.. You might need to see a doctor.."
Fallon touched the side of her head, the wound had stopped bleeding, she still felt a little pain.
"I don't need a doctor.. I probably should clean the wound before I leave.. I will just use the bathroom.. Then I will be on my way!"
With his guidance, she made her way to the bathroom, she then proceeded to wash the blood from the side of her forhead and her hair, it only took minutes, it was now time to leave.
"Will I ever see you again? We can't just say goodbye like this!"
Miles was almost pleading with her not to leave him, the fear of never seeing her again, too much to contemplate.
"I can see you care a great deal for me.. I only wish I could remember.. You will have to accept the situation, as it is!"
Fallon lifted her purse off the sofa, Miles managed to give her a brief kiss before she exited the beachhouse, leaving him shellshocked, lost forever, or so it seemed..He stood in the middle of the room, lifeless in the emotional aftermath. How could this have happened? Only hours earlier they had made love, each knowing one another intimately.. now he was all alone again, she may as well be a stranger, as he was now to her....
Fallon sat in her car, she was out of breath, even though she had not hurried. She gave out a sigh of relief, hopefully now she could finally get on with her life..She hoped Miles would leave her alone, get on with his life, find someone new. Fallon looked out of the car window, one last look at the beachhouse. She did hate having to lie to him, to make him think he was a total stranger to her, but it was all for the best. She had a loving husband and a wonderful son, she had to focus her attention on both of them, Miles had to be a part of her past now. Fallon drove away, she did not think she would ever return...
Alexis was excited.. In less than an hour, Frank would be back, bringing with him her daughter Amanda. It had been quite a while since she had seen her, it was going to be fun having her back, lots to catch up with. Alexis fixed her hair, applied a little more lip gloss, finally spraying a touch of her favourite scent. Alexis remember how she would ready herself for Dex Dexter, she had begun to think about him more and more lately. It was as if he was still out there somewhere and she had begun to tune into his wavelength. Alexis missed him so much, having Frank in her life to look after her, somehow filled a small space in her that yearned for the smell and the touch of the man she truly loved and lost. Alexis picked up the silver framed photo of Dex, she began to feel sorry for herself, but only long enough to put the frame back down as the elevator bell rang to announce some new arrivals.
"Darling! You are early!"
Alexis ran to hug her daughter, she had not changed, still as beautiful and vivacious as ever.
"Mother! I have really missed you!"
Amanda Carrington was glad to be back in Denver, back in the bosom of her family.
"Alexis! I think I quite frightened her! She thought I was a ghost!"
Frank laughed recalling the look on Amanda's face when she first set eyes on him at the airport.
"I felt the exact same darling.. I suppose you that Frank and Dex were brothers."
Alexis sat down, she lit up a cigarette, so much to catch up with, now her daughter was back.
"Yes Mummy! I heard the whole story. How incredible!"
Amanda sat down next to her mother, it was good to be back.
"How long do you plan to stay darling? Stay as long as you wish.."
Alexis hoped she planned to stay for an extended period..
"I am not sure mummy.. But I have no plans for a least a month. Actually I have a friend with me here in Denver. She is staying at a hotel in the city. You will have to meet her."
Alexis was surprised, however she was always interested meeting her childrens friends..
"Darling! I would love to meet her! Is she an old friend?"
Alexis stubbed out the remains of her cigarette..
"She is based in New York. I know her quite a while. Her name is Connie!"
Amanda sat back on the sofa, she felt a little tired, travelling always wore her out.
"Well Darling.. I do look forward to meeting her.. But you must be starving. I have ordered dinner, after which you must tell me all your news. What you have been up to!"
Alexis gave her daughter a hug, she felt quite content.
"Alexis! I have some business to attend to. If you can spare me for a couple of hours?"
Frank had a feeling both ladies would have a lot of catching up to do.
"Thank you Frank..You do what ever you have to do.. We shall both be fine.. See you later."
Alexis smiled at Amanda and giggled, it was really wonderful having her beautiful daughter back with her again..
Blake Carrington lay on his bed alone, he could not even contemplate sleeping, not while Krystle had still not returned. Blake had so many thoughts in his head, so many thoughts about Krystle. He had prayed so many times during the night, he now prayed that all his prayers would return her to him.
Krystle stood in the doorway.
"Darling! Where on earth have you been? I was sick with worry!"
Blake jumped off the bed, grabbing her close, hugging her within an inch of her life.
"My car broke down and I fell asleep. When I woke up it was daylight and somehow the car was fine!"
Krystle pulled away from his arms and started to undress, she could do with a shower. She decided to say the car had broken down to avoid any questions regarding her mental state.
"Darling! The main thing is that you are alwright. God! You don't know how relieved and happy I am, to have you back."
Blake embraced her again, giving her a passionate kiss, even though she was glad to be back in his arms, she was not in the mood for intimacy.
Half an hour later, Krystle was freshened up and ready for breakfast. Sable had just been informed that she was to begin her book tour in two days. Sable would be out of town until after Christmas, she would miss her son for the duration, but she was glad that Monica was able to accompany her. Monica had rung the night before to say she would arrive in Denver later in the morning. Sable busied herself with packing for her tour, whilst Blake sat staring at his wife across the dining table. He knew she should see the specialist, have her head checked out, but he could not force her to seek medical advice. The last thing he wanted was to force her to do something she did not want to, at this present time. Krystle had only eaten half of her breakfast, she had been hungry, but now she could not eat another morsel. She was sorry for putting Blake under so much stress, worrying about her, besides she had left her mobile phone in one of her other purses, she had no way of contacting him. Krystle took a sip of coffee, then she excused herself from the table, she decided to take a walk in the gardens. Blake watched her leave the dining room, hecould not help be worried about her..
After a good nights rest, Amanda was anxious to see her father, so Alexis decided it was time to pay a visit to the mansion. Amanda decided to stop off and pick up Connie, she may as well introduce her to the family. Blake was delighted to see his prodigal daughter and welcomed her with open arms.
"Daddy! It's so good to see you. So much has happened since we last saw one another!"
Amanda loved both her parents, she wished somehow they could somehow get along, their frequent truces never seemed to last. Amanda introduced Connie to the gathering which consisted of Blake, Krystle, Sable, Monica and Alexis. When all the intoductions were out of the way, they all sat down with a reunion brandy. Sable was also overjoyed to have her daughter with her, she was proud of Monica, with all her achievements, a strong willed woman, so much like her mother. Alexis had not spoken to Sable since the abduction, she had that feeling that her not so distant cousin had something to say to her. Alexis was puzzled as to Amanda's friend, there was something about her, she could figure out what it was, maybe it was just a mothers suspicion about their childs mysterious friend.
"Connie! Have you been in the modeling business long?"
Alexis was curious to find out all she could about Miss Connie Rich.
"Mrs Colby! I have been modeling since I was a teenager. Not much point in beginning a career in the game, any later than that. You are over the hill at twenty five!"
Monica Colby sat beside her mother, she could not help but stare at Connie Rich. She had seen her somewhere before, she searched her mind to come up with the answer.
"Darling! You look abit puzzled. If you don't mind me saying so? Is anything the matter?"
Monica looked at her mother, realisation crossing her mind.
"I've seen her before! Connie Rich! The Panther Babes!"
Monica whispered these words to her mother.
"Monica! What on earth are you talking about?"
Sable stared at her daughter, puzzled, bemused even!
"The Panther Babes are a band, mother. I know their agent Sonny West, I did not spend years in the music business without meeting a few sleazy individuals. Miss Rich did business with Sonny.. He hired her to keep the boys in the band entertained, if you get my meaning!"
Monica was certain of her revelations, while Sable sat eager for more info.
"Yes! I think I do know what you mean The question we must ask ourselves is what is Amanda Carrington doing with a call girl. Or to be more accurate, what has Amanda Carrington been doing?"
Sable smiled, glancing over at Alexis, sitting next to her beloved daughter. Sable was determined to find out the truth about Amanda and she would!

                                 TO BE CONTINUED...
(C) 2011 Mark McMorrow..

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