Sunday, August 1, 2010


The 2010 LA Shorts Fest came to an end on Friday evening culminating with the awards ceremony. Our interests in the festival was of course the premiere of Joan's new film "Fetish", written and co-starring Charles Casillo.. The film premiered on Monday evening to a great reception and I spoke to Charles who was thrilled to the response the audience gave to the picture..
CHARLES & DYLAN..(Kelvin's Nephew)
" The evening was magical! The audience were extraordinarily receptive. They laughed at all the right moments and they gasped at all the times Joan played against type! They seemed truly floored by Joan's remarkable performance. She really plays a different kind of role and it's some of her best work to date.. The screening had a great turn doubt in people wanting to see Joan! It was a glorious first screening!"

Charles admires his work of art!

Kelvin gives the film his backing!

Charles kindly provided some photo's of his time at the event, which also include the film's producer Kelvin Dale. So thanks to Charles, as always.  Joan was unable to attend this first screening, but she looks forward to attending future events.. The film can next be seen at the New York City International Film Festival on Monday August 16th in the Program 6 strand from 7.45 to 9.30pm.. Good luck to all the team and to Joan & Charles for this event...
Charles is deciding whether he will stay in the picture!

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