Saturday, February 12, 2011


The sun had risen in Denver, unlike the occupant of the oppulent penthouse bedroom, who tossed and turned under her Pratesi sheets. Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan opened her tired eyes. She felt like hell, after a sleepless night, filled with nightmares. How she wished she could spend the day recovering in her safe haven, but she had planned to meet Fallon for lunch. It seemed her daughter had some exciting news to tell her! Alexis reached over and took her Cartier hand mirror from her sidetable. God! she looked a sight, her stale make-up smudged, she been too tired to remove it the night before. Too much Champagne, after a night of celebrating her rescue from the clutches of the business madman Jeremy Van Dorn! Alexis knew she was lucky to be alive, if not for her son's intervention, she could have died in that filthy potting shed. Her wrists were still sore from been tied up, she still could almost taste the filthy rag, he had covered her mouth with. Alexis loved her children, they were all that really mattered to her, she loved all four of them with unconditional love. Fallon, Steven, Adam and Amanda.
Fallon, a strong independent woman, following so much in her mothers footsteps. Alexis was so glad that she finally had the good sense to patch things up with Jeff.
Jeffrey Colby was a wonderful, kind and gentle man and Fallon would never find another man like him. She had strayed from Jeff, into the arms of losers like Blake's former chauffeur Michael, not to mention the slimey Peter De Vilbis, another user. Heaven forbid she had married Miles Colby, son of the dreaded Sybil, her estranged cousin!
Then there was Steven, who was his own man and accepted wholeheartedly his sexuality, whilst breaking with convention. Alexis has always accepted her son's choices, all, except of course his confused dalliance with the little tramp niece of Krystle's, the sluttish Sammy Jo! Alexis was pleased that Blake had finally accepted Steven's lifestyle, after years of rejection. Steve was so happy now, living in Washington with Bart Falmont, whom he loved dearly. However, Bart was not the only man in his life, for he also loved another, his son Danny, and he cared for him, with his life.
Then there was Adam, still trying so hard to gain Blake's acceptance. Adam had betrayed her many times, but he was her son and she always found the strength to forgive him. Adam had committed his fair share of dirty dealings, from trying to poison Jeff, to acting as a mole in Denver Carrington. Whatever his faults, Alexis loved him, though for many years she thought she would never see him again, heartbroken by his kidnapping when he was just a baby.
Alexis lay back for another precious few minutes, taking comfort in thoughts of her children. But what of Amanda? She had not seen her daughter in six months. Amanda had gotten the impulsive whim of uprooting from her home and job in Paris, to go sailing around the world on a friends yacht. Amanda had great spirit, Alexis had that same spark in her youth, she too would just take off, whenever the mood took her. But Alexis Colby had lost her youth and now she really needed someone in her life, even though she told herself  she didn't need anyone, but she knew that she was only kidding herself. The men in her life had been many and most of them had been nothing but trouble.
Blake Carrington was the man she had always loved, if only he had found the time for her, instead of his precious Denver Carrington, then maybe their marriage may have had a chance. But maybe's were a fools thinking and Alexis found fools hard to bear.
Roger Grimes was a great lover and gave her the love and support that she was missing from Blake. But Roger had a darker side, as with the love and tenderness there was pain. She tried to block out the abuse he inflicted upon her and his death, a death caused by his cruel act of violence. Poor little Fallon, trying to protect her mother, from what she saw as a monster, when she pulled the trigger!
Cecil Colby had loved her and she loved him. If not for his weak heart, she was almost certain that they would still be together.
But she never did have any luck with men. She was crazy about Dex. What a hunk of a man, strong and sexy being his one crime. His one desperate mistake, the night he slept with the unspeakable slut Sybil, who insisted she be called Sable! The unforgettable fact that he had bedded Dex only added to the hatred she felt for her.
Alexis remembered that fateful day when both herself and Dex fell from the balcony of The Carlton hotel. If not for Dex breaking her fall, she might have died that day. It would have been easy to blame Adam, who pushed Dex that afternoon. But Sybil was the one who was to blame, sitting there with her heaving bosom, carrying Dex's baby. How she missed Dex. She often wondered about his child as she had not seen Sybil for quite some time.
Sean Rowan was another of her so called men, who turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life, one that almost cost her, her life.
Ironic, considering it was Sean Rowan who saved her from drowning, the reason for their meeting.
Alexis sighed, even her most recent man, Jeremy Van Dorn tried to kill her, another Bastard! She sure knew how to bring out the animal in men and not the kind she intended! Van Dorn tried to poison her with deadly fumes, but at least now he was safely locked up!!
Alexis sat up in bed as her daily help entered the room carrying a tray.
"Good morning Mrs Colby! I brought you a Bloody Mary. I was pretty sure you would need it! I think you should have a look at the morning paper!"
Alexis was intrigued, whatever was up? Blake up to his old tricks again or maybe his mighty empire was beginning to crumble again, even before the new foundations had cemented!
Alexis grabbed the paper from the silver tray and read the dreaded headlines.
                       " Alexis Colby cheats death
                             at the hands of
                          crazed industrialist
                         Jeremy Van Dorn"
A wave of terror overcame her and she shuddered as she remembered his rough treatment as he tied her up and gagged her and left her to die in the potting shed.
                     " Van Dorn foiled capture as phony
                        police drive him away from
                            Carrington Mansion!"
Alexis sighed, putting her hand to her throat, as if Van Dorn was crawling up the bed to finish the job he had started in the shed. She began to panic and jumped out of the bed, abandoning the Bloody Mary. She had to get ready to meet Fallon, she needed to see her, she now had that maniac to worry about all over again.

Adam Carrington sat at his desk in his office at Colby co, he had never felt this happy in a long time. He had fallen in love with Kirby Anders all over again, although he had never really fallen out of love with her. He still regretted the night he raped her. If only the baby had survived, the product of that rape. But that was all in the past and they had a future to look forward to. He only hoped his dear mother did not try to interfere like she did all those years ago and try to sell Kirby off, her excuse that she be a mere servant girl!"
"Mr Carrington! Miss Anders is here to see you!"
Adams secretary buzzed him on the intercom.
"You can tell her to come on in."
He no sooner finished the sentence, when she was in the room and standing in front of him.
"Kirby! I was just thinking about you!"
Kirby smiled down at him, she did love him, though she still had not forgotten the past. She could not help but remember the pain and guilt she suffered after that night. But he convinced her he was truly sorry, somehow that was all that really mattered now.
"Adam! Champagne! Are you celebrating something? Did they recapture Van Dorn?"
Kirby took the glass of cool bubbly that he had just handed her. 
" I read in the paper today he had escaped. Those police officers that came to the mansion were part of his organisation!"
Adam jumped up from his seat. He could not believe it, however that explained how the police had turned up so quickly, as no one had remembered calling them. He had to ring his mother. Alexis would be in a panic. But he was all geared up to ask Kirby an important question, if he let the moment slip away, he doubted he would get the courage to do so again.
"Kirby! I need to ask you something really important! I know we have only been reunited a short time. I don't want to lose you again. Will you marry me? Please!"
Adam held her hand and gave her a lingering kiss, as she stared into his eyes, nervous and excited, yet confused as to how she would answer his question.

 "Fallon! Darling!"
Alexis glided up to her daughter's table wearing a black Thierry Mugler suit, she felt as if she was in mourning, thoughts of Dex and the shadow of Jeremy Van Dorn looming in the background.  Alexis took her seat, out of breath in the rush to get there.
"Mother! Late again? Fashionably no doubt!"
Fallon knew her mother only too well.
"Sorry darling! I'm a stickler for tradition. Have you heard the awful news? That bastard! Van Dorn has escaped. He is out there somewhere."
Fallon sat open-mouthed, not quite knowing what to say.
"Are you serious? Here I thought I was the one with news. You will never believe it mother!"
Alexis was more than curious.
"Darling. Today I would believe almost anything. I mean who would have entertained the idea that Krystle would ever wake up from that coma. Let alone make it all the way back here to Denver, all on her own!"
Fallon had to agree, that the chances of that occuring were almost a miracle.
"At least father is happy again. Mother! I had some tests taken. The thing is I am pregnant!"
Alexis gasped at the news. She was overjoyed. At last some good news today! The waiter poured both ladies a cool glass of Cristal to celebrate the forthcoming arrival. Lunch was a Salad Nicoise, some fizzy mineral water and the remainder of the Champagne, of course!

The Carrington Mansion stood majestic as ever, it's exterior untouched except by age. It's interior had undergone a total overhaul when Blake was sent to prison. But that was in the past and Blake was now a free man, who was reunited with the woman he loved and their special little girl, Krystina. Blake had begun to rebuild Denver Carrington, he was determined to put it back on top. He also vowed to spend more time with his family. He had almost lost Krystle, he was damned if that was goling to happen again. Blake had just finished lunch and he was due back at the office. It was just like old times, with his work to occupy him. But some things never change, as an unexpected visitor had arrived.
"Blake! Have you heard the news?"
Alexis stomed into the study. Her Sable stole wrapped around her like a python.
"Alexis! When will you ever learn that you no longer live in this house and you can't come and go when you please!"
Blake poured himself a scotch. Alexis always brought out the thirst in him.
"It's Van Dorn! He has escaped. Has nobody told you? Those so called police were working for him and he drove straight out of here!"
Blake almost choked on his drink. He had been certain that Jeremy had really been arrested. So much for the Denver police force.
"Are you certain? Damn him! Why wasn't I informed before now. That is all I need. I am damned if I am going to keep looking over my shoulder."
Blake knew Jeremy Van Dorn was dangerous, having tried to kill Jeff in Switzerland. Alexis in the shed and even himself, if not for Adam, Steven and Jeff's intervention.
"What about my shoulder? That monster tried to kill me too. That is typical of you Blake. To hell with everyone else!"
Alexis was furious, but she never really expected any sympathy from the mighty Blake Carrington.
"Listen! Alexis. I have my family to protect and you are more than capable of looking after yourself. That I am certain of."
Blake was concerned for everyone's safety, but what could he do but organise some tougher security measures. Alexis left, as she had arrived in a whirlwind of fury. She knew help did not lie here.

Alexis had made it safely back to her penthouse. She felt uneasy and it was now that she could definately do with a man around. She loathed loose ends and Van Dorn was almost certainly that! She shivered at the thoughts that she had taken that Dutch madman into her bed. She did have to admit he had been a good lover. One thing was certain, he would never get his hands on her again, for pleasure or pain.
She poured herself a large Brandy and lit up a cigarette. She was suddenly startled by the phone ringing. It was the lobby security to inform her that a delivery boy was on his way up with a package.
The elevator doors opened and the cute courier stepped into the penthouse.
"Mrs Colby? Delivery. I need a signature!"
She scribbled her signature and he handed her an oblong box with told her they were flowers.
"Roses! How lovely! But from whom?"
When the cute delivery boy had left she tore open the small gold envelope that accompanied the flowers. She read the short message, which instantly sent chills through her very soul, causing her to fling the roses across the room. She stared and stared at the card and read the message again and again..

                   To be continued.............

(c) 2011..  Mark McMORROW..

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