Saturday, April 16, 2011


                               REVISITED :
The story so far : After Sable Colby's son is kidnapped, Alexis gets a ransom demand.. Herself!  The boy is returned safely, as Alexis is delivered to Jeremy Van Dorn! After almost becoming his wife, Alexis is rescued by Frank and Steven....
The Denver sun filtered through the panes in the partially stained glassed windows. It's flickering rays casting light on the bride and groom, who stood side by side at the altar. The priest stood with prayer book in hand, to continue the ceremony. 
"Do you Alexis Colby take Francis Mulligan to be your lawful wedded husband?"
The priest paused to let her answer....
"I do!"
Alexis answered with a nervousness in her voice.
"Do you Francis Mulligan take Alexis Colby to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Frank answered..
"I do!"
They both stood facing one another...
"If there is anyone who feels that these two gathered here, should not become man and wife, let them speak now or forever hold their peace!"
The priest paused, the almost married couple held their breath!
"I do!!"
A voice from the back, echoed through the whole church..
"I do! I do!! I do!!!"
Steven sat up, sweating in his bed, awaking from a dream or was it a nightmare? It had been over a month since he helped Frank Mulligan rescue his mother from the clutches of a deranged Jeremy Van Dorn, who now sat in a prison cell, awaiting his imminent trial. Steven wiped the sweat from his brow as he got out of bed, he was alone as Bart was away on business. Steven went to the window, he needed a little air to clear his head. His feelings for Frank Mulligan had intensified, now that his mother had made her handsome protector a permanent part of her life. Steven had a crush on the man, even though he knew that nothing could ever come of it. Besides Frank was in Denver, while he was here in Washington with the two men he cared about in all the world, Bart Falmont and his son Danny. Steven took deep breaths as he stared out of the half open window, the cool breeze caressing his naked body. But his feelings for Frank were mere fantasy, the impending reality were the threats from his estranged grasping ex-wife Sammy Jo. She continued with her threats of seeking custody of their son. She was eager to resume the role of mother, now that her career was far from hitting the heights. Steven was adamant, that she would never have Danny on a permanent basis, at least until Danny was at an age when he could decide himself how much time his mother consumed. 
'The Carlton' would soon undergo a facelift and re-emerge like a phoenix from it's ashes, with a new name, new decor and a new owner at the helm! Alexis sat in her suite, a suite that just recently had been home to her cousin Sybil. It was nice to get away from the Penthouse for a while, besides she planned to be involved in all aspects of the refurbishment for the hotel, it would certainly have the Alexis Colby seal of approval. Alexis recalled the many incidents that had happened to her in the hotel. Claudia Blaisdel burning to death in her suite, the famous fights she had, with Sybil in the lobby and Dominique in another suite. But most of all she could never forget Dex falling to his death from the balcony, whilst saving her life. How she really missed him, she never admitted that fact until Frank Mulligan arrived in her life, awakening the feelings she had managed to keep hidden.. She found it hard not to think of Frank as Dex somehow personified, she held an envelope in her hand, it's contents were confirmation of what she had suspected for some time! The private eye she hired certainly earned his money, a very thorough operator with a lot more style than the tasteless Mr Hess she had previously relied on for vital information! The envelope concealed copies of a birth certificate and some documents that proved Frank and Dex had been brothers. It turned out that Dex was not the birth son of a rich oil tycoon after all. Instead he was a changeling, Dex's natural mother had given birth to twins. However money was the solution when the nurse informed Mr Dexter that his baby son was still born. The nurse, who was due to get married and leave the state, gladly accepted the filthy lucre to switch the babies, giving the rich Eloise Dexter a healthy new baby, while Mary Mulligan would be happy that one of her twin sons had survived. Nurse Jonelle Browne switched the babies, giving the Dexters a son who was alive and healthy. No one would ever know, not even Eloise, who was heavily sedated after the birth of her dead infant. Alexis was shocked at the findings, how a child's life could be bought and sold, but in the circles of the rich, she imagined worse things happened. Alexis had received the documents over a week ago, but she decided to wait for the right time to divulge her revelations to Frank. She was eager to tell him, she sighed, wondering what exactly his reaction would be?

Fallon Colby sat on the well maintained lawns of the Carrington estate, she bathed in the heat of the afternoon sunshine. She felt content in her life, the threat of death making her realise how lucky she is to be alive. She had made a full recovery from the shooting and she was relieved Van Dorn had been captured and her mother was safe from his clutches. Fallon was a survivor, just like her mother, the ultimate survivor! Fallon recalled the many occasions her life had been in danger, the night she crashed her car, whilst pregnant with her son, then his premature birth. Her absurd abduction by aliens, she still could not figure out if that had actually happened! She also remembered the time she was trapped with Krystina in the underground bunker with all that Nazi treasure! It had been a close call, that maniac would have killed her, if not for the cave in, that finally caused him to have a brain haemorrhage. Fallon almost laughed at all the bizarre incidents in her life. Incidents far from funny at the time, but thank God she was here to laugh at them now! She did wonder what she should do about Miles Colby? Ever since the shooting and his visit to her hospital bed, he had since persisted in calling her, sending endless bouquets of flowers. Even though he had returned to Malibu, assuring her he had accepted the fact that she loved Jeff, he still acted as if she was still an unattached woman. Fallon decided she had to talk to him face to face, this could not be done over the phone. She would have to go to Malibu and confront him, make him understand once and for all he was a part of her past, as far as romance was concerned. Fallon lay back on the lawn, how would she explain her trip to Jeff?  It had to be done, she would find a way!
Sable Colby sat reading the newspaper in the study of the Carrington mansion. She was happy here, but she knew sooner or later, she would have to find a place to call her own. Sable was glad the recent ordeal had come to a happy conclusion, even though she had Alexis to thank for her son's safe return. She was grateful to Alexis, she never believed she could ever feel gratitude to her again. But life can be strange and things change. Her publishers had accepted the final draft of her book on the mighty Colby dynasty, it would be published in the next month. A series of book signings and TV appearances had been arranged for her, she looked forward to the tour, it would keep her busy for a few weeks. Sable put the newspaper down as Blake entered the room.
"Sable! What a wonderful day it is! Have you seen Krystle?"
Blake put his brief case on the desk.
"Blake she went to have a rest. She said she was not feeling well!"
Blake touched Sable's arm, thanking her as he left to find his wife.
Krystle lay on the bed, she felt a little better than she had an hour earlier. The headache had been excruciating, she feared a repeat of her former condition, she knew that a reformation of a brain tumour was possible. But she could be just over reacting, panicking unjustly. After all everyone had a headache, now and then. Krystle prayed that the common headache was the reason for her pain, she opened her eyes to find Blake standing over her.
"How are you feeling Darling? Sable mentioned you were not feeling well!"
Blake sat on the bed, he held her hand.
"I am fine now. Just a headache Blake!"
Krystle sat up, touching his face, touched by his concern, she sensed he was thinking the same, thoughts of her former illness looming in his mind.
"Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor? Maybe make an appointment with your specialist. An up to date opinion would do no harm."
Blake was concerned, he knew there was a chance the tumour could reappear. He doubted he could cope with losing her again, as he had almost done before.
"I am fine Blake! If the headaches persist, I promise I will let you make an appointment."
They both hugged, they hoped no appointment would be necessary.

Alexis sat in the bar of 'The Carlton', awaiting the arrival of her handsome protector Frank Mulligan. She made up her mind, the time had come to reveal her findings to him. She had contemplated a more private meeting, but she needed to get out of the suite for an hour. Alexis surveyed the bar area and it's tasteless decor, remnants of it's former owner, Sybil Colby. She had a feeling her plans would surpass even her imagination, she was determined to make the hotel one of the top stays in Denver, if not the whole of America! Her plan included a nite club, exclusive fine dining restaurant, an art deco bar, not to mention a brand new honeymoon suite, a presidential suite and a fabulous new penthouse suite for herself, a home away from home! Alexis sipped her Scotch and soda, quite content at all the plans afoot, she smiled as Frank approached.
"Alexis! I hope I did not keep you waiting too long!"
Frank sat down with the beer he had just bought.
"No I was just sitting here appalled at how tasteless my cousin really is! But to more serious matters!"
Frank had been curious as to her reasons for summoning him to the hotel, as she had requested a few days to herself and she had given him a few days off!
"Is there something wrong?"
Alexis handed him the envelope that contained the facts concerning his past.
"I have some important news that I am sure you would like to hear!"
Alexis paused giving him time to peruse the contents, it was then a waiter approached her with a house phone.
"Mrs Colby! There is an important call for you from Washington!"
Alexis was curious, she took the receiver from the handsome waiter.
"Hello! Steven! What is the matter? Do calm down Darling! That little bitch!"
Alexis was furious.
"Darling.. Don't worry! I'm on my way!"
Alexis hung up, seething!
"Frank! I have to go to Washington. It's my grandson Danny. His mother by proxy has decided to keep the boy with her. He visits her on selected weekends. That little tramp! She will be sorry she crossed Alexis Colby!"
Alexis returned to her suite, she had to pack, her son needed her, Sammy Jo would pay for her sins, make no mistake!!

(C) 2011  Mark McMorrow...

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