Wednesday, August 26, 2020





Nolan Miller’s life and designs epitomized Hollywood Glamour. He not only designed garments for the original leading ladies of cinema; he also developed close friendships with Barbara Stanwyck, Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, Susan Hayward, Bette Davis, Jane Wyman, Lucille Ball, Sophia Loren, Joan Crawford, and Elizabeth Taylor, to name a few. Dame Joan Collins stated, “All of these STARS loved him, as I did.” He brought the fashion fantasy previously reserved for film to television and established a working relationship and friendship with Aaron Spelling. Nolan Miller would create his most iconic and memorable looks for the Aaron Spelling Productions television series Dynasty, which ran from 1981 to 1989.

The auction is an intimate glance into that glamorous life with over 300 lots. The sale includes approximately 100 costume sketches, among them renderings of Dame Joan Collins, Diahann Carroll, Linda Evans, Ann-Margret, Ann Miller, Lana Turner, Lucille Ball, Elizabeth Taylor, and Barbra Streisand. These include watercolor on board and preliminary sketches that explore the design process. The sale also includes letters and photographs from celebrities to Nolan Miller, celebrity worn furs and jewelry, and decorative arts. Additional highlights include a white fox fur stole worn by Dame Joan Collins, Ann-Margret, Diahann Carroll, and Linda Evans ($800-1,200); an Artis Lane portrait of Nolan Miller ($2,000-4,000); a silver fox stole worn by Dame Joan Collins on Dynasty and event worn by Roseanne Barr ($600-800); and a John Holladay artwork signed to Nolan Miller by Eva Gabor, Ann-Margret, Elizabeth Taylor, Linda Evans, Sophia Loren, Dame Joan Collins, Ginger Rogers, and Jane Wyman ($400-600).

The auction is now online for advance bidding and the auction will start closing in real time and in lot order for live bidding at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on September 21st, 2020.


Property From The Estate of Nolan Miller Online Only Auction
Auction: Closes Monday, September 21st, 2020
in real time and in lot order for live bidding at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time
Auction Closes In Lot Order Exclusively on
Click Here To View The Catalogue on Julien’s Live
For more information, please email or call 310-836-1818.

Monday, August 24, 2020



The true love that made me realise I'd suffered abuse: Joan Collins's novelist daughter Tara Newley makes a brave and shocking revelation about a previous relationship

Let’s not get too hung up about age. After all, as the perennially youthful Joan Collins is fond of reminding us, ‘it’s just a number’.

Joan’s husband Percy Gibson is 55. ‘If he dies, he dies,’ the actress and writer famously quipped when pressed about the significant age difference between them. 

When novelist Tara Newley, married fellow writer Nick Gilador Arkle, Percy — resplendent in a Gibson tartan kilt — gave her away. 

‘Percy walked me down the aisle to one of my Dad’s songs, Feeling Good.’ It was Joan’s second husband, the late actor and singer/songwriter Anthony Newley.

‘Annoyingly, people think Nick looks a lot younger than I do,’ adds Tara. ‘I try not to think about my age but, having dated younger men in the past, I’ve decided an older one is a better match for me.

‘Nick is funny, kind and generous; the sweetest man I’ve ever met. He’s such a supportive stepdad and loves my children.’ (She has two —Miel, 21, and Weston, 16, by different fathers.)

Her relationships have not always been as loving as they are with Nick. As she tells me today, she has had some ‘that could be considered abusive’ and admits she has had to ‘learn what healthy relationships are’. But it’s clear things are different now.

‘I fell in love with Nick through the written word. It’s a writerly love story!’ she exclaims. ‘We started to communicate on social media and our messages got longer until they were like mini-novels.’

Then he invited her to dinner and they began to date.

‘Now we’ve been married for four years,’ she says. ‘Having been round the houses in terms of relationships, I feel I’ve finally come home. Mum is very fond of him, too.

Tara & Nick's wedding day with Joan & Percy

‘We had a quiet little West Country wedding on a perfect English summer’s day. I chose a Fifties Grace Kelly-style dress cut across the shoulder, off-white; cinched in at the waist. They say the dress chooses you. I think it does!

‘Mum looked beautiful, as always, in a pink floral dress that complemented the flower arrangements. She read Desiderata, one of our favourite pieces of prose. There were about 80 people, all the friends and family. Just the right size. Lovely!’

I’ve met Dame Joan once and Tara twice — the first time eight years ago — and both mum and daughter are sharp-witted, fun, amusing company.

Their cut-crystal voices, similarly modulated, share a lilt and cadence. Close your eyes and you’d be hard-pressed to know which one of them you were talking to.

But that is where the resemblance ends.

Today, Tara looks scholarly in specs; her hair fringed and bobbed. Her legs are modestly exposed to the knee in a summer dress decorated with lemon motifs as she sits in the book-lined study of her rambling 200-year-old Somerset home, a collection of dog-eared Penguin classics on shelves behind her.

A couple of chickens cluck in the back garden; bees buzz among the orchard’s fruit trees; bats have colonised an outbuilding and her cats laze in the sunshine. There is even a cave in which she is considering ageing her own Cheddar.

When glamorous Joan visits — sometimes accoutred in jodhpurs and a hacking jacket, although she doesn’t ride (her attempt at ‘fitting in’, her amused daughter observes) — she looks like an exotic migratory bird blown off course.

Dame Joan has opulent homes on the Cote D’Azur, Belgravia in London, New York and Los Angeles. Tara prefers rural life in the village near Weston-super-Mare that has been her home for 14 years.

It is easy to forget that Tara’s parents were Hollywood aristocrats. Her London-born father, brooding and darkly handsome, moved to the U.S. in the Sixties and became as big a star in Las Vegas as Frank Sinatra.

Joan soared into the showbiz pantheon in 1981 when she was cast as super-bitch Alexis Carrington in the U.S. television soap Dynasty.

While Joan was working, Tara and younger brother Sacha were often cared for by nannies — one of whom, Sue de Long, would take them to her family home in Weston-super-Mare for holidays, hence Tara’s affection for this unassuming corner of the West Country.

Tara with Joan and brother Sacha

Indeed her son, by property developer Richard Skeates (Sue de Long’s nephew), is called Weston in jokey homage to Posh and Becks, who named their eldest son Brooklyn after the New York borough in which he was conceived.

Tara herself was born in New York and lived an itinerant showbiz life, shunted between her parents’ luxury homes in London and Hollywood after they divorced in 1970.

When she was 14, apparently infuriated by her mum’s frequent absences networking at showbiz parties, she decamped to the U.S. to live with her dad. The mum-daughter rift was well-publicised.

‘I wasn’t an easy teenager,’ she sighs. ‘You have hormones raging left, right and centre. It isn’t until you have children yourself that you really understand your parents.

‘Mum used to say: “It’s important to go out to events as they can be fortuitous. You meet people in the business.” That’s how she got the Dynasty role, from meeting someone at a party.

Like most mothers today, she couldn’t afford to stay at home cooking. She had to work, as she was the breadwinner.’ (Joan was by then married to her third husband, record producer Ron Kass, who frittered away vast amounts of money on a drug habit.)

‘Mum and I had our ups and downs like most parents and kids. But I couldn’t have more respect for her than I do now,’ Tara says.

‘I’m so grateful for everything she’s done for me and continues to do. She’s an absolute inspiration. I can’t tell you how many women come up to me and say that.’

She adds: ‘Not so long ago, once the menopause hit, women would literally fade into the background. My mother has raised the profile of women of a certain age; we feel better about ourselves.

‘I asked Percy: “How does she do it?” He said: “You know what? She just loves life.” ’

Joan even joins Tara on an annual United Nations Elimination of Violence against Women march in Bristol. Photos show Joan rugged up in a scarf, heavy coat and baseball cap (but still unmistakably her glamorous self), bearing a banner and striding out next to her daughter.

Tara, it emerges, admits to having suffered ‘tumultuous’ times with men in the past.

‘I’ve had relationships that could be considered abusive,’ she says carefully. ‘I think I had to learn what healthy relationships were.

‘If you can’t have a conversation without yelling, it is not a normal, loving relationship. You should be able to settle your differences in a calm voice.

‘Traditionally, we associate domestic abuse with physical violence. But if you’re walking on eggshells; if you’re afraid; being put down, bullied and threatened, then you’re living under coercive control and that’s a form of abuse.’

For six years before she met Nick, Tara was single. ‘I was on my own with a couple of cats, raising my kids, not looking for a relationship,’ she says. ‘I thought, “This is probably it”.

‘For a couple of years, I worked as case co-ordinator in a women’s refuge and in the community, and one of the dear women I worked with said: “You’d really like my friend Nick”. I said: “Yeah, sure.”’

Tara with Joan in St Tropez

By then, she’d had a short-lived marriage to the French composer Michel Adam, Miel’s father. Her son was born in 2003 and when her relationship with his father, Richard Skeates, broke down, she was with roofer Paul Beck, 13 years her junior, for two years.

After that relationship finished, she told me — on my previous visit — that she would be more circumspect.

‘I won’t fall too quickly into bed with any man,’ she said. ‘I will never introduce a new man into my children’s lives unless I’m sure he’s The One.’

Then, of course, when she least expected it, The One came along. Divorced with no children, Nick was living in the next village.

‘My friend invited us both round to her house, then Nick sent me a message on Facebook. I didn’t see it for three weeks — I’m not the most literate on social media,’ she says with a laugh.

‘But once I did, we started to write to each other. We touched each other’s souls on the page. The word was powerful, then it was made flesh!’

Now the two of them spend their days writing in their respective studies and Tara’s first novel, Radio Honey, about the simmering sexual tensions at an all-female radio station, is just published. I wonder how much of her younger self is invested in its feisty heroine, DJ Cassandra Bates.

The fictional Cass is raised by her father after her ‘flighty’ mother walks out on her husband and daughter, never to be seen again.

‘I think it’s a coming-of-age novel,’ she says. ‘We tend to think that happens in our 20s, but I think you can come of age at any time. I don’t believe in the adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. You can learn to dance to your own music at any time in your life: I don’t think I started to take control of my own until about ten years ago.’

She says her husband is romantic in an understated way. ‘He bought me a red velvet cake to remind me of the one we had on our wedding day,’ she says. ‘He’ll leave out a spoon and bowl with vitamins for my breakfast. Little day-to-day gestures such as that mean so much. They let you know your partner cares about you.

‘And he shares my sense of fun. He has the same childlike sense of humour. We’re very happy in our own silly little world. This is for keeps. We’ll go to that great hallway in the sky hand-in-hand.’

She seems, after her rackety youth and a string of transient relationships, to have attained the happy equilibrium her mum also achieved — after four previous marriages — when she met Percy. An unashamed daddy’s girl, Tara still misses her father, who died, aged 67, from cancer in 1999.

His photo sits on the desk in her study. Does she talk to him? ‘I do, I do!’ she says. ‘I don’t think I’ve fully processed that he’s gone.

Tara with Joan & Tony Newley

Tara’s first novel, Radio Honey, about the simmering sexual tensions at an all-female radio station, is just published

‘His body has passed away but I don’t think his spirit has. He still feels very present in my world. He got to meet Miel as a baby but not Weston and that’s still a sadness.’

Tara remember her father’s wisdom: ‘Dad used to say the most important job you can do as a human being is raise your kids. I was on my own with mine for six years. You just get on with it. You love them and you’re grateful you have them to look after.

‘You feel like the winner because Dad is right: it’s the greatest career of all, being a parent.’

Tara thinks of herself as the sum of all the disparate influences that have shaped her. But for all the exoticism of her peripatetic upbringing, she prefers the quiet life.

‘I’ve always said I’m half-Hackney, half-Hollywood, but I’m actually more comfortable in the country.

‘I’d go to the end of the Earth to be with my mother but London is her world and I’m here. I don’t see her enough but we speak every Sunday without fail. She’s really well. In fact, she’s incredible.’

  • Radio Honey, by Tara Arkle, out now, is published by Black Pawn Press, £13.98

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Joan Collins: my face mask fight with the Gendarmerie...

Joan undercover in St Tropez!
It’s three days since rumours swirled around France that President Macron was going to impose a ‘tit-for-tat’ quarantine on UK visitors. While waiting for the axe to fall, several friends who had booked flights to visit us in Saint-Tropez were unsure whether to come or not. Julian Clary, who had already accepted the fact that he was going to have to quarantine upon his return home to London, told me: ‘I don’t mind having to stay at home — what I mind is not being able to visit my mother.’ ‘Well, I haven’t seen my eldest two children or my grandchildren for nearly six months,’ I retorted. There seems to be no end in sight, as morning, noon and night the media blasts out theories and rumours, about what we can and cannot do and where we are allowed or not allowed to go. Percy and I were locked down in our London flat for three months, and I felt like I was escaping from jail when we managed to get to the south of France with my youngest daughter.

Joan with Celia Walden yachting in St Tropez 2020

France in mid-June seemed normal after London. The sun shone, the restaurants and beaches were open, people visited the markets and shops and strolled along the port. At the start of the pandemic, the French suffered a draconian lockdown. Policemen patrolled the streets and people were heavily fined if they didn’t fill out their safe-conduct form. This obviously worked to control the virus and the French started to live again, not just exist. But now, with the tourist influx, mask-wearing has become obligatory, and cases seem to be on the rise because of the more irresponsible ‘party beaches’ that this hedonistic haven is famous for. Women, in particular, wear these masks in various jaunty ways. It’s a popular look to hang them from the wrist like a bracelet, or off one ear; or pull them down to cover the chin (clever if you have several); or push them on to the hair like an Alice band. On a shopping trip to Ikea I wore a new plastic face visor, which I had seen being worn by London hairdressers. As it’s less stifling than a ‘muzzle’ mask, I could breathe more easily. However, an officious gendarme became deeply offended by it, and while I was mulling over the benefits of Ikea’s gravadlax vs its smoked salmon, he pounced. Gesticulating in Gallic fashion, he yelled at me to put on a proper mask, because visors aren’t legal. Chastised, I slunk away, muttering an Anglo-Saxon expletive under my breath, which, as he glared at me, I feared he might have understood. I then tried wearing a clear plastic facemask, of the sort which all the staff at the Byblos were wearing, but although it was easier to speak and to be understood, it forced my face into a hideous rictus.

Something is bugging Joan!

Although it’s idyllic here, we are suffering an invasion of hornets. They descend on the breakfast table — causing our few venturous guests to scramble for safety — and fly around the swimming pool while we’re in it. One particularly vicious bug landed on me while Percy was doing laps. Screaming in terror, I jumped into the pool to get away from it, colliding with Percy and causing both of us nearly to drown.

I arrived in France with 50 new books, mostly biographies, thrillers and novels. I’ve read and enjoyed about 25, struggled through another ten, and discarded, after page 50, those that were boring, pontificating and far too politically correct. Some of the latest novels have a tedious repetitiveness about them. Even the covers have a curiously identical look, as if the same artist had designed them — but, then again, I’ve always judged a book by its cover. I love biographies of people from the golden age of film and fashion. It seems that the lives of these luminaries, up until about the 1960s, were fascinating and unconventional. I can never read enough about Coco Chanel, Ava Gardner or Howard Hughes — all total one-offs and utterly fascinating.

Joan with Roger Moore 2001

I’ve now lost six jobs. I’m in the same purgatory as most of my actor friends. As my profession sinks deeper into the mire of recession, it’s quite depressing. I’m still counting on being able to travel to Spain in October to work on a new TV series. But who knows what is going to happen? We’re living on the edge of a precipice and, like Roger Moore in The Spy Who Loved Me, we have to hope that a magical parachute will open up if we fall off the edge. I miss Roger very much. I’d known him since I was a teenager, when my agent father represented him. He was enormously good company — wonderfully amusing and self-deprecating. However, I thought he was a far better actor than he gave himself credit for, as evinced by his huge body of work. His anecdotes were always funny, even though I’d heard them several times throughout our friendship… and some were even mine!

Friday, August 14, 2020



Martin Dyer is a very ordinary man with a very ordinary life. An insurance Loss Adjuster for many years, he spends his time assessing other people's problems and ignoring his own. His wife Angie aspires to greater things and when finances hit rock bottom, she leaves him for a suave loan shark one week before Christmas. Martin is crest fallen but forced into continuing his day by the overly exuberant company secretary, who has scheduled several claims for Martin to validate. With a heavy heart, Martin sets off but his day drastically goes from bad to worse with a catalogue of extraordinary and humorous encounters with a flirtatious and rather amarous widow, a corrupt Doctor, a lascivious female escort and a dead rat. It is only at the funeral of a client that Martin has an epiphany; and with the help of his unlikely friendship with a teenage thief and perhaps a sprinkling of Christmas magic, life suddenly changes in a truly remarkable way.

Here is a first look at a poster design for Joan's latest film 'The Loss Adjuster' which will be released before Christmas..

Saturday, August 8, 2020



Joan Collins to Team With Podium Audio for Audiobook ...

8/7/2020 by Lexy Perez..

Joan Collins, Eric Dane, Giancarlo Esposito and Lou Diamond Phillips are teaming up with Podium Audio to venture into the audiobook world.

Podium Audio, an audio-first entertainment studio that finances, develops, produces and distributes immersive audio content, announced Friday that they will partner with the stars for upcoming audiobook productions.

The independent audiobook publisher will develop audiobooks for Phillips first-ever novel Tinderbox: Soldier of Indira (Aethon Books) and Collins' best-selling autobiography Past Imperfect: The Autobiography, which she will also be narrating.

Additionally, The Mandalorian star Esposito and Grey's Anatomy star Dane will narrate a military sci-fi novel from Richard Fox and Jonathan Brazee called Hell’s Horizon (Grand Central Publishing). The story is narrated through the two main characters, Army Major Emil Richter (voiced by Dane) and Marine Captain Mateo "Teo” Alcazar (voiced by Esposito), who document their war diaries on recording devices while at war with each other on a battlefield far from Earth. 

"We’ve always championed new writers and voices, and that includes introducing well-known talent to new mediums such as audio," said Scott Dickey, CEO, Podium Audio. "We’re thrilled to be expanding our roster of award-winning authors and narrators to include talent we are more accustomed to seeing on the big and small screen." 

He adds: "The pandemic has halted productions around the world, enabling us to reach out to talent that would ordinarily not be available for audio production. We’re really excited to see this caliber of talent lean into audio and flex their creative muscles in a new way." 

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Delighted to announce that the wonderful Tara Newley Arkle has published her first novel and it is available now. You can order your copy at the links provided under the book cover..

Is there an equation for love?

Cass, like most red-blooded females, would like to think she understands the formula, but finds that love is simply not adding up. Whilst her dad, a frustrated scientist, would have her believe that love is simply chemical attraction. At the all-female radio station where she works, Cass connects with other lost and lonely women, and makes it her mission to ride out the oestrogen-fuelled problems dragging down the station and find a solution to love and life by her own ground- breaking formula.

Tara Arkle is the daughter of Dame Joan Collins and Anthony Newley. She lived in Paris for two years to study at The American College in Paris, where her poetry and journalism first found local publication. She transferred to Boston University to study English, French and Russian literature and poetry with Helen Vendler at Harvard. First published in the Poetry Journal, she contributed to The Atlantic Revue while living and studying in Paris. She went on to study Literature at Boston University, and worked in London as a columnist and journalist, Radio DJ, and TV Presenter before starting her own contents company, NewleyDale LTd. with pilots made for Baby Cow, ITV and Channel 4.

Radio Honey is slated to release on August 1, 2020. It will be available as a paperback on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other booksellers worldwide. An electronic version will release in September.

Saturday, August 1, 2020


As the death of Sir Alan Parker was announced, here is a couple of shots of Joan with Leonard Rossiter in the classic Cinzano ads directed by Alan..

Cinzano "Leonard & Joan" by CDP (1978-1983)

You could easily fill a book about the huge number of classic commercials that emanated from British ad agency CDP during the 1970s and 1980s. (And indeed someone already has. John Salmon and John Ritchie's wonderful 'Inside Collett Dickenson Pearce' is no longer in print, but you can - and should - still track down a second hand copy). Numerous campaigns deserve another airing, but none were more beloved by the British public than the exceptional series of ten spots created between 1978 and 1983 for the Italian vermouth Cinzano. Here are four of the best, including the first spot. That's by no means a classic in its own right, but it sets up the joke that would be repeated with increasingly clever variations throughout the rest of the series.

According to Geoff Howard-Spink, then CDP's director of account planning, "The man who ran the business was related to the Cinzano family and he saw the advertising we were doing for other people and decided he wanted us to do it for him as well." Legendary art director Ron Collins took on the brief. "His idea," Howard-Spink recalled, "was basically to take the piss out of [Cinzano's main rival] Martini and the whole 'Martini lifestyle' campaign that had been created by McCann Erickson, based on trendy jet-setters on the Riviera in hot air balloons."

With Rossiter on-board, the direction of the campaign changed to accommodate his familiar comic persona of a self-satisfied and slightly seedy buffoon. According to Alan Parker, who was signed up to do the first ad, it was Rossiter himself who suggested what became the series' long-running gag, a variant of the old music hall routine about the guy who spills a cup of tea on himself when he looks at his watch. Instead, it was Joan Collins who became the butt of the gag, not just once but, as it turned out, over and over again over the course of the series. Indeed, the first ad went so well on-set that Collins was quickly signed up the very same afternoon to do another two.

The commercials proved so popular with audiences that the initial three ads were gradually extended into a series of ten separate films over the next five years. As the series evolved, so too did the central running gag, so that audiences were left guessing each time about how and when and over whom the drink would be spilled. The two best were arguably the pair directed by Hugh Hudson in 1979, 'Airliner' and 'Ski Lodge', which deployed two clever variations on the traditional drink-spill.

It wasn't perhaps the happiest of partnerships. Rossiter, a notorious micro-manager of his own performances, was self-centred and demanding on-set, and referred to Joan Collins dismissively as "the prop". She, always professional, grinned and bore it. However, the edgy chemistry between them added to the joke.

The series eventually ended in 1983 after a change of management at Cinzano, which decided it needed a more international approach to its advertising. Yet those ads still live on, as original and as funny today as they were when they first aired