Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today in 1933, another legendary Joan was born, my favourite comedienne and a lovely lady, Miss Joan Rivers. A true comedy legend, Joan has been making us laugh for over 50 years, this Emmy award winning star had turned her hand to films, television, stage and a bestselling author. Joan never fails to put a smile on my face and I wish her many more years of bringing laughter to the world.. Both Joan's are very good friends and here are a few shots of the two legends together!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOAN!!!


  1. My goodness Mark, you've met them ALL haven't you? What is your secret?

  2. Olivier.. met Joan a good few times now.. My secret! maybe I haven't got the stalker look! plus always bring a gift! do let me know when you get your fan stuff.. wonder will you get the new shot! mark..x

  3. I'll tell you as soon as I get it, promise ;-)

  4. Joan Rivers, Can We Talk? I need to wish you a happy birthday! Oh and congrats on the doc opening Friday!


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